Lovely Lentil Soup


This recipe is a fall staple in my home.. and even better on a cold day. Lentils have beneficial nutrients like fiber, protein, minerals and vitamins, and are low in calories. This ingredient combined with the “holy trinity” of cooking (carrots, onion and celery) and few other healthy additions make for a flavorful, hearty soup that is great for lunches all work week long. 


2 Large                   Carrots, diced
2                             Celery Stalks, diced
½ Large                  Onion, diced
2                             Potatoes, diced
1 ½ Cups                 Red Lentils (uncooked)
2 Cups                    Baby Spinach
1.5 Litres (6 cups)   Chicken Broth or Water
1 Tbsp.                    Olive Oil
                               Salt & Pepper


1.      Sauté Carrots, Onions and Celery in 1 Tbsp. Olive Oil until soft,
         add salt and pepper to taste
2.      Add potatoes and stir until combined
3.      Add lentils and stock (or water)
4.      Simmer on medium low for 45 minutes

Serve as is or for an extra step blend with a hand blender for a smoother consistency.

What are some of your fave fall recipes?
Comment Below.

With Nice Things (& a happy girl for lunches this week),