Nice Thing No. 146


It's one of the most necessary things but often so difficult. I myself have never been a big fan of change and sometimes this nice thing hasn't always been handled as tactfully as I would have liked, however, it's surprise is that I've always come out better for it, on the other side brighter and lighter because of it, even in spite sometimes of my own resolve not to do it. 

But it's almost a new year...isn't it time you part ways with things you know you just can no longer hold on to or things that have already let go of you. Sometimes letting go is just freeing you up to grasp onto new wonderful things just ahead. 

I will leave you this year with one final thought in the form of a quote:   β€œIn the end, only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.”

Cheers to a New Year with Nice Things & New Beginnings!
